Member Benefits

Ace Coworking - Oakville
Oakville - Village Hive Members can now enjoy the benefit of our reciprocal relationship at Ace Coworking in Oakville. ( You can access their space up to 10 times a year if you are in Oakville and need a place to work during regular business hours. Their meeting rooms are available to you at member rates. Just email them in advance at to reserve and let them know you are an Hive member.
ACE Coworking
289 801 8731
295 Robinson St Suite 100
Oakville, ON L6J 1G7
132 Trafalgar Rd
Oakville, ON L6J 3G5
Log in to find out more.
Not available with all memberships.
Note: Not all member benefits are available to all memberships, and all member benefits are subject to availability.